Once you have gotten through the steps of advance care planning and completed your advance directive, including witness’ signatures, don’t stop until you have shared your directive with all of the “right” people or organizations. And who might they be?
The first priority is to make certain that you give a copy to each of your healthcare agents. These are the people who have said yes to being your healthcare agent, are listed in the document and with whom you have had in-depth discussions regarding what matters most to you along with your preferences for care. Then, make certain you have provided a copy to your healthcare provider and discussed it with them. They will appreciate knowing that you have done this and should want to have a copy and discuss it with you. Make certain that you have completed and placed your wallet card where it is easily accessible in your purse or wallet. I recommend placing it directly behind and with your driver’s license, so it will be easy for people to find. If your state has a repository for advance directives be sure to upload your document to that site and include that site on your wallet card for ease of retrieval. If you live in a nursing home, assisted living center or any other senior community provide them with a copy as well. Many of these organizations are required to maintain a copy and discuss it with you so make sure they have a current copy.
Others who may benefit from having a copy include your faith leader, if you have one; your employer, other family members; anyone with whom you have had the conversation about your preferences for care and what matters most to you; and anyone who may receive a phone call from the ER in the middle of the night regarding your care. And, yes, you should have the conversation with all of them if you haven’t already. By having the conversation, it makes it easier for them to know and do the right thing and help you when the time comes. It also gives them the knowledge they will need so they won’t be second guessing if they are doing “the right thing” for you.
Whether you are updating a previous document or doing your first advance directive you should always prepare a list to identify with whom you have shared the document. Having that list handy will allow you to provide them with updated copies in the future when you may choose to revise your directive. That reminds me, to remind you that, this is not a “once and done” evolution. Advance directives can be changed at any time you identify a need to make a change. Be certain to keep your document current and in the hands of the right people. It is all part of my adage to:
Have ‘The Conversation’
Give ‘The Gift’
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www.mjmarkley.com (301) 744-7656