Listen to the Podcast
- 1:10 – Book on dementia with Anneke van der Plaats
- 2:02 – Age and dementia
- 3:04 – Dealing with dementia and workings of the brain
- 4:11 – Lower brain and upper brain
- 5:17 – Rational vs emotional
- 6:24 – Dynamic vs static stimuli
- 7:44 – Behavior and our brain
- 9:19 – What is dementia
- 14:00 – Questions
Dick Kits was until 2017, together with his wife, the owner of Kroese Kits, the oldest healthcare agency in The Netherlands.
Since 1937 Kroese Kits has been providing private care and nursing in the Netherlands, Belgium and Europe.
In addition, he produces movies of people’s course of life and he is active as an author and publisher of:
My Parents Aged (Mij Ouders Ouder, 2006)
Silver is gold (Zilver is goud, 2007)
The New Old with co-author Hedda Schut (Het Nieuwe Oud, 2011)
Dementia 24/7 with co-author dr. Anneke van der Plaats (De dag door met dementie, 2016; China 2019)
CONTACT – in a complex world (CONTACT – in een complexe wereld, 2019)