Linda is a holistic health practitioner, author, speaker, trainer, and massage therapist specializing in seniors and the disabled. She brings decades of experience working with our developmentally disabled, mentally ill to now serving an aging population. These groups share similar issues.
Linda is a baby boomer herself. Insights have been gained from personal health issues. She has used the methods found for herself to help others.
Her M.A. in Counseling Psychology increases the understanding of various challenges faced by maturing adults. Linda’s unique vantage point comes from her experiences. She worked her way up from direct care worker to becoming an administrator of two group homes.
Then came her time as a federal advocate for Hawaii’s developmentally disabled, where both she and Hawaii gained knowledge that served her clients even after she left. Other experiences included time being a mental health worker, teacher, and aid at one state hospital.
As an author, she brings all this knowledge to her book, “The SPIRIT Method of Massage for Seniors: Raising the Bar…A Primer for Massage Therapists and Caregivers”. As a therapist in senior living homes, she saw many things that needed to change in order to offer residents more vital senior years.