Resources for the Aging Population
M. Jane Markley, RN President of M Jane Markley Consulting, LLC
Advance Care Planning Facilitator
Healthcare Ethics Advisor
Phone: (301)744-7656
M. Jane Markley, RN President of M Jane Markley Consulting, LLC, is a consultant and healthcare ethics advisor with 35+ years experience in healthcare. She works with individuals, families, organizations, ethics committees, and healthcare systems to help them understand the importance of advance care planning for themselves, their loved ones and their members.
A retired Navy Nurse, she is board-certified in healthcare management, a patient advocate and a former hospital ethics committee chair. She trains healthcare advocates; speaks nationally and internationally; works one on one with individuals and their families to complete their advance directives; facilitates ethics training for medical students as an Assistant Professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, MD, and serves on the Maryland State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life.